Time and Date Stamps (logged): 17:12:20 06-10-2020 °¶Ÿ°±Ÿ±¯¯µŸ°¯Ÿ±¯±¯
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k = 9*10^9 N m^2 / C^2 | qE = 1.6 * 10^-19 C | h = 6.63 * 10^-34 J s |
energy of n=1 orbital in hydrogen atom: -13.6 eV | k ' = 9 * 10^-7 T m / amp | atomic mass unit: 1.66 * 10^-27 kg |
electron mass: 9.11 * 10^-31 kg | speed of light: 3 * 10^8 m/s | Avogadro's Number: 6.023 * 10^-23 particles/mole |
Gas Constant: R = 8.31 J / (mole K) | proton mass: 1.6726 * 10^-27 kg | neutron mass: 1.6749 * 10^-27 kg |
Problem Number 1A magnetic field of magnitude 5.3 Tesla passes through a square loop with side 8.7 meters, with the field perpendicular to the plane of the loop. The loop is suddenly turned 90 degrees, so that its plane is parallel to the loop.
Problem Number 2Find the magnitude of the magnetic field due to a straight current segment of length .033 m, at a distance of 3.7 meters from the segment, given that the vector from the midpoint of the segment to the point makes at angle 65 degrees with the segment, and that a current of 9.9 Amps flows in the segment.
Problem Number 3At what Kelvin temperature will the thermal energy of electrons be greater than the energy binding an n = 1 electron to the proton in a hydrogen atom?
Problem Number 4A beam consisting of 90 eV electrons (electron mass 9.11 * 10^-31 kg) is incident on a thin wafer of a crystal with layer spacing 2.8 Angstroms. Surprisingly we find that the electrons, which are particles, are scattered in such a way as to form an interference pattern identical to that of a wave. What will be the distance between central interference maxima at a distance of 10 cm from the wafer?
Problem Number 5A beam of protons, each with rest mass about 1.6 * 10^-27 kg, are accelerated to near-light-speed velocities before entering a magnetic field of .6 Tesla. The magnetic field is directed perpendicular to the direction of the beam. Without taking account of the relativistic effect on mass, what should be the radius of curvature the protons if they are moving at 2.87 * 10^8 m/s as the beam passes through the magnetic field?
Problem Number 6An alpha particle consists of two protons and two neutrons. The neutrons are slightly more massive than the protons, but the average mass of all the particles is reasonably close to 1.6 * 10^-27 kg. The fundamental charge is 1.6 * 10^-19 Coulomb. If a beam of alpha particles moving at 4.5 * 10^6 m/s enters a magnetic field of .005 Tesla, with the velocity and field perpendicular to one another, what will be the radius of the circular path of the beam in the magnetic field?