Time and Date Stamps (logged): 17:12:20 06-10-2020
Precalculus I
Precalculus I Major Quiz
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Test Problems:
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Problem Number 1
Problem: Obtain a quadratic depth vs. clock time model if depths of 50.08925 cm, 38.1759
cm and 31.25993 cm are observed clock times t = 13.86389, 27.72778 and 41.59167 seconds.
Problem: The quadratic depth vs. clock time model corresponding to depths of 50.08925 cm,
38.1759 cm and 31.25993 cm at clock times t = 13.86389, 27.72778 and 41.59167 seconds is depth(t) = .013 t2
+ -1.4 t + 67. Use the model to determine whether the depth will ever reach zero.
Problem Number 2
Problem: Sketch a graph of the basic exponential function y = 2 x. If
this function is stretched vertically by factor -2.54 then shifted -2.44 units vertically, what
is the algebraic form of the function obtained? Sketch a graph of this new function,
and show that the graph is different than that obtained if the vertical shift is performed
before the vertical stretch.
Problem: Water depths of 51.641, 38.364, 30.169 and 27.056 cm are observed at clock times t =
11, 22, 33 and 44 seconds. What is the average rate of depth change during each
of the three time intervals? Predict what the next average rate would be, and use this
result to predict the depth at t = 55 seconds.
Problem Number 3
At clock times 9.072462, 18.14492 and 27.21739 we have depths 64.50987, 51.95831 and 44.34533. What system of
simultaneous equations do we get when we substitute the coordinates of the corresponding
points into the form y = a t 2 + b t + c of a quadratic function?
Problem Number 4
Sketch a graph of y = x^2, from x = -3 to x = 3. Then sketch a graph of y = 3 x^2 over
the same domain.
- By what factor do we vertically
stretch the first graph to obtain the second?
- What are the three basic points of
the first graph (i.e., the vertex and the points 1 unit to the right and left of the
- What are the three basic points of
the second graph?
Sketch the second graph shifted
-1.75 units in the x direction and .25 units in the y direction.
What are the three basic points
of this graph?
If f(x) = x^2, then what are
- f(x--1.75), f(x) +
.25, 3 f(x) and 3 f(x--1.75) + .25?

Problem Number 5
At clock time t = 10 sec the illumination of a source is 47 watts/m^2, while at clock
time t = 31 sec the illumination is 19 watts/m^2. Plot the corresponding points on a
graph of illumination vs. clock time and determine the slope of the straight line segment
connecting these points. Explain why this slope represents the rate at which the
illumination changes over this time interval.
For the power function y = f(t) = 66 t-2, determine the average rate of
change of y with respect to t, between clock times t = 31 and t = 33.