Time and Date Stamps (logged): 17:12:20 06-10-2020 °¶Ÿ°±Ÿ±¯¯µŸ°¯Ÿ±¯±¯
** Write clearly in dark pencil or ink, on one side of the paper only. **
function |
general antiderivative |
sin(ax)cos(bx) |
1/(b^2-a^2) [ a cos(ax)sin(ax) - b sin(ax)cos(bx) ] + c |
cos(ax)cos(bx) | 1/(b^2-a^2) [ b cos(ax)sin(bx) - a sin(ax)cos(bx) ] + c |
sin(ax)cos(bx) | 1/(b^2-a^2) [ b sin(ax)sin(bx) + a cos(ax)cos(bx)] + c |
p(x) e^(ax) | 1/a p(x)e^(ax) - 1/a INTEGRAL(p'(x)e^(ax),x) + c |
p(x) sin(ax) | 1/a p(x)cos(ax) + 1/a INTEGRAL(p'(x)cos(ax),x) + c |
p(x) cos(ax) | 1/a p(x)sin(ax) - 1/a INTEGRAL(p'(x)sin(ax),x) + c |
1/(sin(x))^m | -1/(m-1) cos(x) / (sin(x))^(m-1) + (m-2)/(m-1) INTEGRAL(1/(sin(x))^(m-2), x) + c |
1/sin(x) | 1/2 ln | (cos(x)-1) / (cos(x) + 1) | + c |
1/(cos(x))^m | 1/(m-1) sin(x) / (cos(x))^(m-1) + (m-2)/(m-1) INTEGRAL(1/(cos(x))^(m-2), x) + c |
1/cos(x) | 1/2 ln | (sin(x)-1) / (sin(x) + 1) | + c |
(bx+c)/(x^2+x^2) | b/s ln | x^2+x^2 | + c/a arctan(x/a) + c |
(cx + d) / [ (x-a)(x-b) ] | 1/(a-b) [ (ac + d) ln | x-a | - (bc+d) ln | x-b | ] + c |
1 / `sqrt( x^2 +- a^2 ) | ln | x + `sqr(x^2 +- a^2 | + c |
`sqrt(a^2 +- x^2 ) | 1/2 ( x `sqrt(a^2 +- x^2) + a^2 INTEGRAL(1/`sqrt(a^2 +- x^2 ) + c |
`sqrt(x^2 - a^2) | 1/2 ( x `sqrt(a^2 +- x^2) + a^2 INTEGRAL(1/`sqrt(a^2 +- x^2 ) + c |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Problem Number 1State the Increasing Function Theorem. Using the Mean Value Theorem prove the Increasing Function Theorem.
Problem Number 2Find the indefinite integral of the function x^ 4 ln(x).
Problem Number 3Use a graph and symmetry arguments to explain why the integral of cos( 2 x) cos( 4 x), from x = -`pi to x = `pi, is zero.
Problem Number 4If the equations
model interaction between two species, then
Problem Number 5Assuming that k is constant, solve the differential equation dQ / dt = k Q.
Problem Number 6Determine whether the antiderivatives of e^( 9 x) / (1 + e^(2 * 9 x)) and sin( 9 x) / (1 + cos(2 * 9 x) ) are in fact different expressions of the same problem. If so specify the problem; if not state why not.
Problem Number 7Sketch a graph of a continuous function f(x) which is linear from (0, 3) to ( 5, -2.001), then linear to ( 9, 6) and then again concave downward to ( 12, 5). Sketch a graph of its antiderivative F(x) for which F(0)= 3 and label the known points on this graph.
Problem Number 8A spherical container of radius 14 cm is filled with water to within 4.3 cm of its top. Find the volume of the water.
Problem Number 9Sketch a graph representing the probability distribution of the velocities of the balls in a billiard ball model, assuming that the mean velocity is 4 . Using your sketch estimate the most likely velocity to two significant figures. Estimate also the probability that a random observation of a given ball will yield a velocity which rounds off to each of the following values: 2, 8 and 14.
Problem Number 10The rate at which water flows from a uniform cylinder is r(t) cm^3 / sec, where t is clock time in seconds.
Problem Number 11The table below represents the cross-sectional area perpendicular to an axis of a solid vs. position on the axis:
position (meters) 1.5 2 2.5 3 c.s. area (m^2) 1 3.2 1.8 2.2
Sketch a reasonable curve through the data points given in the table. Estimate the volume of the solid using LEFT, RIGHT, TRAP and MID, using three intervals for each approximation. Indicate the expected order of accuracy of your approximations, from least accurate to most.
Problem Number 12Prove whether the integral of f(t) = 1 / t^p, from t = 0 to t = 1, converges or diverges if p < 1.
Problem Number 13Antidifferentiate ( 3 x + 6) / (x^2 + 6 x - 27) with or without the use of tables.
Problem Number 14Find the Taylor polynomial of degree 4 for y = 7.94 cos( 3 x), expanding about x=0.
Problem Number 15Find the area between the x axis and the graph of the polynomial p(x) = ( x - 5) (x + 17)^2 (x - 1).
Your average score on the following assessment problems will replace your score on each the two of the preceding problems on which you score lowest.
Your performance on these problems will also count toward your grade.