Time and Date Stamps (logged): 17:12:20 06-10-2020 °¶Ÿ°±Ÿ±¯¯µŸ°¯Ÿ±¯±¯ Precalculus II

Calculus I Test 2

Completely document your work and your reasoning.

You will be graded on your documentation, your reasoning, and the correctness of your conclusions.

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Directions for Student:

Test Problems:

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Problem Number 1

Explain the difference between a situation in which you would do each of the following; if there is no such situation for a given item tell why:











Problem Number 2

The depth of water in a certain uniform cylinder is given by the depth vs. clock time function y = .019 t2 + -2.2 t + 78.  

What is the average rate at which depth changes between clock times t = 15.9 and t = 31.8?

If the rate of depth change is given by dy/dt = .028 t + -1.5 then how much depth change will there be between clock times t = 15.9 and t = 31.8?











Problem Number 3

Give the equations of the tangent lines to y = sin(-2.501 x) and y = 3 x at x = 0.  











Problem Number 4

Find dy/dx if arctan(x^ 1.5 y^ 5) = x^ 1.5 y^ 5.












Problem Number 5

Yearly income grows at the rate of R(t) ) dollars / month, where t is in months and where R(0) = 63.8, R( 4) = 51.97, R( 8) = 37.03 and R( 16) = 102.19. Write an integral to express the increase in annual income from t = 0 and t = 16. Estimate the value of this integral.











Problem Number 6

The volume of a muscle is increasing at a rate of 5 cm^3 / month.  The lifting strength of the muscle is L(V) = 1.05 * V^(2/3) pounds, where V is the volume of the muscle in cm^3. 












Problem Number 7

Answer by calculating an appropriate limit using l'Hopital's Rule:











Problem Number 8

Use both 2-interval and a 5-interval approximations to find the left and right Riemann sums of the function y =  3 * 2^( .17 t) from t = 3 to t = 9.