Class 110928

Notes are in progress as of 5:00 p.m., and should be complete before 110929.

The test at the end of this document includes the problems discussed in class.






Time and Date Stamps (logged): 10:59:22 09-28-2011 °¯Ÿ´¸Ÿ±±¯¸Ÿ±·Ÿ±¯°°

Physics I Major Quiz

Completely document your work and your reasoning.

You will be graded on your documentation, your reasoning, and the correctness of your conclusions.

Test should be printed using Internet Explorer.  If printed from different browser check to be sure test items have not been cut off.  If items are cut off then print in Landscape Mode (choose File, Print, click on Properties and check the box next to Landscape, etc.). 

Name and Signature of Student _____________________________

Signed by Attendant, with Current Date and Time: ______________________

If picture ID has been matched with student and name as given above, Attendant please sign here:  _________


Directions for Student:

Test Problems:

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Problem Number 1

Give an example of a situation in which you are given v0, a and Dt, and reason out all possible conclusions that could be drawn from these three quantities, assuming uniform acceleration. Accompany your explanation with graphs and flow diagrams. Show how to generalize your result to obtain the symbolic expressions for Ds and vf.












Problem Number 2

A straight ramp is inclined at three different slopes. The differences in elevation between one end and the other, for the different slopes, are 2.1, 4.2 and 5.8 cm.

How well do these data confirm our suspicion that the acceleration on the ramp is linearly dependent on the slope?












Problem Number 3

A ball reaches a ramp of length 50 cm with an unknown initial velocity and accelerates uniformly along the ramp, reaching the other end in 3.8 seconds. Its velocity at the end of the ramp is determined to be 6.31579 cm/s. What is its acceleration on the ramp?












Problem Number 4

A projectile leaves the edge of a table and, while traveling horizontally at a constant velocity, falls freely a distance of 74 cm to the floor. It travels a horizontal distance of 5.7 cm during its fall. If its vertical acceleration is 980 cm/s2, how long does it take to fall and what is its horizontal velocity during the fall?












Problem Number 5

An object is given an unknown initial velocity up a ramp on which its acceleration is known to have magnitude 12 cm/s^2.  It reaches a maximum distance of 228.16 cm up the ramp before rolling back down.