CE: Should the reinforcement of synapses in a neural net depend on how close to zero or 1 a probability is? Note the problems of speed of convergence and local minima.
CE: Is the motion of the red ball in the billiard ball simulation equivalent at some level to a random walk?
CE: Can we model the motion of a pendulum using a point moving at constant velocity around a circle?
CE: What is the distribution of velocities in the billiard ball simulation?
CE: Are the x and y energies in the billiard ball simulation the same, on the average?
CE: What is the distribution of distances traveled by the red ball between collisions?
CE: What is the distribution of times between collisions of the red ball?
CE: How does the maximum altitude attained by a rocket shot from a cannon depend on its velocity as it exits the cannon? How does this altitude depend on the angle at which the rocket is fired?
CE: What are the conditions on direction and velocity to create a circular orbit of given radius? How does the velocity of a circular orbit depend on the radius of the orbit? How does velocity vary with proximity to the center of a planet in an elliptical orbit?