10) An automobile changes its velocity at a uniform rate while traveling a distance of 100 meters, starting from rest. It requires 20 seconds to do so. Sketch a graph of its velocity vs. clock time for the 20-second interval, being sure that the velocity starts at zero, the graph is a straight line (to reflect the fact that the velocity changes at a uniform rate), and its average 'height' is equal to the average velocity of the automobile. What is the slope of this graph, what are the units of slope, and what does the slope tell us about the motion of the automobile?
Since the
distance is 100 meters and the time is 20 seconds, the average velocity is 5
meters per second. 10 is the average time, so 5(on y axis) is plotted with 10(on
x axis), and since the average velocity is 5 meters per second, then it will be
going 10 meters/sec when it reaches 100 meters(@ 20 sec). The slope is 1/2,
units are meters/sec/sec or meters/sec^2 since meters/sec * 1/sec= meters/sec^2.
The slope tells us that the velocity of the automobile was steadily increasing
throughout its 100 meter drive.
Shelley Weaver